Don't forget who's the admiral

Von Gabbard Admiral

Under other titles, Supreme Admiral Biscuit, or "Head Honcho" (of this or any other gaff. Full stop.)

Hello! I'm quite new to HTML, CSS and Javascript, but this page should demonstrate my initial probings into each of these.

My name isn't really important, but I chose "Von Gabbard Admiral" because it sounded funny. I like to draw, make art in MS Paint, and a while ago, I liked to program in Java, C# and Python. I'm hoping this new hobby will blend my recently found (and evidently, still developing) passion of digital art, and my older passions of logic and computer science, into something new I can be proud of. There's more to come (hopefully), so, come back later, and I might've made a game or two, or uploaded some doodles on some page somewhere.
